How To Have Faster Internet Speeds With CAT5 & CAT6 Data Cabling

· data cabling,electricians
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Ever since the Covid19 pandemic, there has been significant growth in the use of various digital technologies. From offices working from home, schools and colleges conducting online lectures, to people binge-watching their favourite shows on online streaming channels, the internet has taken the world by storm. 

The Covid19 pandemic made people realise the importance of investing in a high-speed internet connection.

How to choose Data Cables for faster Internet speed?

Choosing the right ethernet cable can have a massive impact on your internet speeds and connection. One of the best ways to score a high-speed internet connection is by considering the installation of CAT5 and CAT6 ethernet data cables. 

Although CAT5 and CAT6 cables both can be connected to your computer or server, their individual use of purpose and performance varies to a great extent. 

This blog will highlight everything about CAT5 and CAT6 data cables - from individual meanings to differences.

Let's first understand,

What is a CAT5 Cable?

CAT5 cables are one of the most popular data cables that are used to connect to the internet. CAT5 cables consist of four twisted pairs of copper wire. 

The LANs which are hooked to computers are connected with the help of CAT5 cables. Hence, if your computer has a LAN, there are high chances that the cables connected to your PC are CAT5 data cables.

If you are familiar with the term "CAT5", then you also must have heard about CAT5E cables. Cat5E cables ('E' stands for enhanced) are responsible for providing you with a high-speed internet connection. CAT5E cables can handle up to 10/100 Mbps at a 100 MHz bandwidth.

What is a CAT6 Cable?

CAT6 data cables are similar to CAT5 cables. The only difference is - CAT6 cables consist of four pairs of twisted copper wires. Unlike CAT5 ethernet cable, CAT6 cables provide you with more functionality in terms of internet speed and bandwidth capacity - 10 Gbps and 250 MHz respectively.

CAT6 ethernet cables can work well along with both CAT5 and CAT5E cables. CAT6 cables are suitable for those computer networks which require 1000 Mbps or one Gbps of data transfer speed (DTR) or higher.

Which Ethernet Cable is Best For You - CAT5 or CAT6?

It all comes down to which ethernet cable will be best for you? One of the most important things you have to consider while choosing a CAT5 or CAT6 ethernet cable is having a clear understanding of your requirements and installation purposes. 

By looking at the technical specifications, you may think that CAT6 cables are suitable for your home or office. However, when it comes to selecting CAT5 or CAT6, there are no hard and fast rules. 

  • If you are a residential user, CAT5E will be suitable for you. CAT5E cables will be capable enough to meet your internet and networking needs. Such types of cables will offer you much faster internet speed and connection than your regular internet connection. 
  • However, after a few years, CAT5E cables will require an upgrade. But one of the best parts about CAT5E cables is that performing the upgrade is simple and less expensive. It's a win-win approach for residential users.
  • On the other hand, if you are a commercial user, that has a huge demand for high internet speed, then CAT6 ethernet cable is the best choice. CAT6 cables can transfer files from one computer to another quite easily and at a quick pace. So commercial users, Cat 6 cables with high Gigabit networking will be your go-to ethernet cable.

For residential data cabling in Sydney, be sure to call one of our experts at Electron Security today!